German Centres for Health Research − DZG



The German Centres for Health Research (DZG) were founded to combat common diseases more effectively. These include cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, infectious diseases, diabetes and mental disorders. The DZG are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the participating federal states. 

The aim is to promote interdisciplinary cooperation between physicians and scientists from university and non-university institutions and to bring new research results more quickly to the patient. Efficient translation can thus improve the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of individual disease courses.

8 Centers, 43 Cities, 14 Federal states, 113 Partner Institutions – the DZG are: 

  • DKTK − German Cancer Consortium
  • DZD − German Centre for Diabetes Research
  • DZHK − German Centre for Cardiovascular Research
  • DZIF − German Centre for Infection Research
  • DZL − German Centre for Lung Research
  • DZNE − German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • DZPG − German Center for Mental Health
  • DZKJ − German Center for Child and Adolescent Health

Synergie - the joint magazine of the DZG

Under the motto "Research for Health" the joint magazine of the DZG is published twice a year. Each issue of "Synergie" is dedicated to a specific topic. The scientists provide readers with exciting insights into projects and successes in translational research. Here you will find all previous issues and articles.

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Awarded with the PrintAward BERLINER TYPE

The expressive design of the magazine "SYNERGIE - Research for Health" shows with intensive colorfulness, with precision and liveliness the variety and depth of the research topics with which the German Centers for Health Research are working to combat the major common diseases. Further information can be found here.



Awarded with the IF Design Award 2022

Providing access to research for a broad public - this is what the German Centers for Health Research (DZG) enable with their magazine "SYNERGIE - Research for Health". The high-contrast design not only attracts attention, but additionally supports the DZG's diverse projects and successes in transnational research on major common diseases. Further information can be found here.

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